Tuesday, 1 April 2008


After spending an hour or so trying to find out how to make my blog posts from blogger show up as a tweet in my Twitter I finally came across a post in the Search Engine Journal about Twitterfeed. Being a bit lazy as I am (and hungry as a wolf at the moment) I just scrolled past most of the text and basically filled in what seemed to be needed and pressed create. So I have no idea if it will work or not but hopefully I'll have a tweet with this post in about an hour or so.

Until then ...

... Ok, now maybe it works (forgot to add the actual rss feed to twitterfeed :O ). As soon as the people at Twitterfeed has noticed my mistake and activated the feed again of course ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Willkommen hier im Sextalk.

Unser Sextalk gibt dir eine Alternative treffen nrw und vieles mehr,wie Flirt und Sextalk
Hier in unsrem Sextalk erwarten dich treffen nrw erotische Rollenspiele
Du suchst Heiße Live Chats , dann bist du hier genau richtig.Ok,los gehts,stellt sich die Frage,worauf wartest du?
Live Dates heiße nacktsexy ,einfach anmelden .
Du suchst jemand aus Frauenfeld, oder St.Gallen, oder in Gera , vieleicht in Davos, oder aus Hohenems? Mit Sicherheit kein Problem.!