Why is it that every food item or candy ever produced was wrapped in packages designed by morons?
I don't know how often I've had to tear packages apart violently out of frustration because it's absolutely impossible to open them where it says they should be open. Take the above candy wrapper as an example. You see down to the right where it's clearly pointed out that that is where the package should be opened? Guess what? Yep, of course the package isn't perforated or even weakened there so it's easier to just tear in to the package at the middle since there at least you can get hold of enough of it to get a good grip. I guess the name of the candy should be a clue really (it's a Break in case you don't see it).
It's the same with almost every food item ever produced. Most of them you end up using a knife or scissors on even though it clearly says "rip here". Actually come to think of it I might have overstated it a bit, I actually ate a candy bar the other day that was very easy to open so obviously every food package designer out there isn't a moron. Which just makes things even more annoying since if some are able to come up with a smart solution why doesn't the rest of the business use it too?
If I were religious I'd guess that it was the devil that came up with all these bad package designs since there can't really be an easier way to cause more anger in the world with less effort. Brilliant Mr. Devil, you win again.
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