Friday 21 November 2008

Scratching the "Web"-itch

My internet connection has been down for the past 48 hours and while I have lived without an internet connection since I first got one at home back in 2001 this is one of the first times I have really felt what has to be described as an itch to get online. I can only conclude that it has to do with the fact that while it has happened before (that something has broke down and I've been forced to live without connection for several days) I today spend a lot more time just browsing the web and utilize my connection in various ways. 

As an example I start each day by browsing a handful of newspaper sites while listening to 'SomaFM Indie Pop Rocks' and having my morning coffee. And I'm sure that most people that have a morning ritual that include reading a newspaper and listening to the radio feel that something is missing everytime they have to start the day without those things.

Most days I continue browsing the web for various entertainment news (be it games, music or films) and also other news sites. While I also browse a handful of different forums. Much due to the fact that I only work in the afternoon and night these days I have a lot of time to kill during the days. So after all this browsing I usually start on one of my many programming projects which includes browsing for more tips and tricks about how to solve specific issues I may or may not have.

So while one might consider me a bit of a web-oholic (if you catch my drift) I actually do something productive with my time infront of the screen ... at least some of the time :)

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